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Laughter (2012)

Movies Detail of Laughter (2012)

✓ Title : Laughter
✓ Release Date : October 28th, 2012
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Adam Dunning
✓ Writer : Adam Dunning
✓ Cast : Rocky Petroziello, Shauna Fahad, Madison Caudullo, Christopher Weite, Mark Colby Sr., Brant Becker, Ian Anderson, Rebecca Henning, Scott Geiter, Justin Farber

Synopsis of Laughter (2012)

When a troubled teen is pushed too far, he takes action into his own hands. The prank he plans ends with the death of a young one! Months pass and everyone acts as nothing happened. Soon their actions will end deadly and end with his laugh.

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Well, Laughter (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Laughter (2012) itselft directed by Adam Dunning and Starring by Rocky Petroziello, Shauna Fahad, Madison Caudullo, Christopher Weite, Mark Colby Sr., Brant Becker, Ian Anderson, Rebecca Henning, Scott Geiter, Justin Farber which made Laughter (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Laughter (2012)

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Laughter Movie Youtube - A story about vampires, reanimated bodies that feed on the blood of the living, based on European folklore. Bram Stokers Dracula created many of the genres conventions.

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