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Nadie dijo nada (1971)

Movies Detail of Nadie dijo nada (1971)

✓ Title : Nadie dijo nada
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1971
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 135 minutes
✓ Director : Raúl Ruiz
✓ Writers : Raúl Ruiz, Max Beerbohm
✓ Company : RAI
✓ Countries : Italy, Chile
✓ Cast : Shenda Román, Humberto Miranda, Carmen Lara, Carla Cristi, Luis Alarcón, Pedro Gaete, Luis Vilches, Nelson Villagra, Carlos Solanos, Jaime Vadell

Synopsis of Nadie dijo nada (1971)

Four drunken literary bohemians write a short story about a pact with the Devil just as that very story is happening to them.

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Well, Nadie dijo nada (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nadie dijo nada (1971) itselft directed by Raúl Ruiz and Starring by Shenda Román, Humberto Miranda, Carmen Lara, Carla Cristi, Luis Alarcón, Pedro Gaete, Luis Vilches, Nelson Villagra, Carlos Solanos, Jaime Vadell which made Nadie dijo nada (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nadie dijo nada (1971)

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