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Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972)

Movies Detail of Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972)

✓ Title : Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων
✓ Release Date : August 1st, 1972
✓ Genres : War, Drama
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Dimis Dadiras
✓ Writer : Yannis Maris
✓ Company : Karagiannis-Karatzopoulos
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Manos Katrakis, Thodoros Exarhos, Elena Nathanail, Giannis Fertis, Yorgos Moutsios, Ilia Livykou, Giorgos Moshidis, Miranda Kounelaki, Antonis Liotsis

Synopsis of Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972)

A Middle East allied Force commander, Themis, parachutes in occupied Greece to organize a sabotage in the Meteora region but betrays the Germans and falls into ambush. Before retiring, he calls Fotis, a student who had hidden his house, and urges him to go to Athens and meet an Aristides. Despite the mobilization of the Germans who perform all the hostages they have captured, including his father, Fotis finally arrives in Athens, meets with Aristides and accepts to cooperate with him. With the name of Kostas Alexandrou he catches a room in the Papadima family home, falls in love with their daughter Anna and becomes a "friend" with the German Major Karl Asberg. He accepts the co-operation proposed by Carl - to become his agent - to supposedly trap the guerrillas. But he actually misleads the conquerors about blowing a munitions train. His fate is the same as the fate of every patriot who is sacrificed for his homeland.

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Well, Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972) itselft directed by Dimis Dadiras and Starring by Manos Katrakis, Thodoros Exarhos, Elena Nathanail, Giannis Fertis, Yorgos Moutsios, Ilia Livykou, Giorgos Moshidis, Miranda Kounelaki, Antonis Liotsis which made Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Αντάρτες Των Πόλεων (1972)

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