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Rebus (1977)

Movies Detail of Rebus (1977)

✓ Title : Rebus
✓ Release Date : December 12th, 1977
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Tomasz Zygadło
✓ Cast : Zbigniew Buczkowski, Marek Frąckowiak, Gabriela Kownacka, Elżbieta Jarosik, Jerzy Bończak

Synopsis of Rebus (1977)

Social drama which addresses the problems faced by delinquent young people and how difficult it can be to change their way of life. Czesiek is a young hooligan who who comes into contact with Marek, a sociology student and tries to change his lifestyle but receives no support from the local youth organisation. His comrades look on him as a deserter whilst Marek is only interested in him as a subject to be studied.

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Well, Rebus (1977) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Rebus (1977) itselft directed by Tomasz Zygadło and Starring by Zbigniew Buczkowski, Marek Frąckowiak, Gabriela Kownacka, Elżbieta Jarosik, Jerzy Bończak which made Rebus (1977) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Rebus (1977)

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