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Things I Do for Money (2019)

Movies Detail of Things I Do for Money (2019)

✓ Title : Things I Do for Money
✓ Release Date : December 6th, 2019
✓ Genres : Crime, Drama, Action
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Warren P. Sonoda
✓ Writers : Warren P. Sonoda, Gary R.D. Nolan
✓ Cast : Jennifer Lynn Walton, Ali A. Kazmi, Dax Lough, Colette Zacca, Danilo Reyes, Ed Aoki, Theodor Aoki, Lois Andrews, Maximilian Aoki, Rhett Morita

Synopsis of Things I Do for Money (2019)

Brothers Eli and Nick are genius cellists, but as they prepare to audition for the opportunity of a lifetime, they inadvertently steal a bag of money from a hitman. They are abruptly thrust into a world of crime, blackmailed to act as performing decoys during the thet of an eight-million-dollar painting. Suddenly, the brothers are no longer just fighting for a place in a prestigious music academy, but for their lives, too.

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Well, Things I Do for Money (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Things I Do for Money (2019) itselft directed by Warren P. Sonoda and Starring by Jennifer Lynn Walton, Ali A. Kazmi, Dax Lough, Colette Zacca, Danilo Reyes, Ed Aoki, Theodor Aoki, Lois Andrews, Maximilian Aoki, Rhett Morita which made Things I Do for Money (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Things I Do for Money (2019)

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