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The Summer House (2014)

Movies Detail of The Summer House (2014)

✓ Title : The Summer House
✓ Original Title : Das Sommerhaus
✓ Release Date : April 15th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Curtis Burz
✓ Writer : Curtis Burz
✓ Company : Focusing Films
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Anna Altmann, Sten Jacobs, Jaspar Fuld, Nina Spletstoßer, Stephan Bürgi

Synopsis of The Summer House (2014)

A haunting portrait of a well-established German family living on the outskirts of Berlin in their ideal world, but are slowly shaken by external influences. It's a subtle portrait of human desire, inner desolation, self-deception and moral decadence. The Larsens are a picture perfect family from the German upper-middle class. However, the head of the family, Markus, an architect, lives a secret, bisexual double life as his wife Christine and their eleven-year-old daughter Elisabeth drown in unendurable loneliness. Markus realizes that he has a strong yearning for one of his daughter's school friends, Johannes, 12. He succeeds in getting closer to Johannes and binds the boy to himself with ever-increasing intensity. His wife is desperately aware of the emotional distance of her husband, but only her daughter Elizabeth, reacting to the sexually laden atmosphere, sees through the lies and secrets that she instinctively knows to be an growing, disruptive threat to the entire family

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Well, The Summer House (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Summer House (2014) itselft directed by Curtis Burz and Starring by Anna Altmann, Sten Jacobs, Jaspar Fuld, Nina Spletstoßer, Stephan Bürgi which made The Summer House (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Summer House (2014)

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