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Les Aristos (2006)

Movies Detail of Les Aristos (2006)

✓ Title : Les Aristos
✓ Release Date : September 20th, 2006
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 79 minutes
✓ Director : Charlotte de Turckheim
✓ Writers : Jean-Marie Duprez, Charlotte de Turckheim
✓ Company : TFM Distribution
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Edith Perret, Vincent Desagnat, Rudi Rosenberg, Charlotte de Turckheim, Jacques Weber, Victoria Abril, Rossy de Palma, Urbain Cancelier, Hélène de Fougerolles, Catherine Jacob

Synopsis of Les Aristos (2006)

The Arbac de Neuvilles are one of the oldest families in France. They have inhabited their ancient château for fifty-two generations and are proud of their noble ancestry. But today they are stone broke. When a bailiff turns up notifying them that they owe two million euros in back taxes, these proud aristocrats are understandably shaken to the core of their ancestral seat. Just how are they to find this amount of money when none of them has any capacity for work?

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Well, Les Aristos (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Les Aristos (2006) itselft directed by Charlotte de Turckheim and Starring by Edith Perret, Vincent Desagnat, Rudi Rosenberg, Charlotte de Turckheim, Jacques Weber, Victoria Abril, Rossy de Palma, Urbain Cancelier, Hélène de Fougerolles, Catherine Jacob which made Les Aristos (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Les Aristos (2006)

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