Movies Detail of Cap Tourmente (1993)
✓ Title : Cap Tourmente
✓ Release Date : May 27th, 1993
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Directors : Michel Langlois, Louis-Philippe Rochon
✓ Writers : Marcel Beaulieu, Michel Langlois
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Andrée Lachapelle, Michèle Deslauriers, Gabriel Gascon, Élise Guilbault, André Brassard, Caroline Dhavernas, Gilbert Sicotte, Roy Dupuis, Macha Limonchik, Luc Picard
✓ Release Date : May 27th, 1993
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Directors : Michel Langlois, Louis-Philippe Rochon
✓ Writers : Marcel Beaulieu, Michel Langlois
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Andrée Lachapelle, Michèle Deslauriers, Gabriel Gascon, Élise Guilbault, André Brassard, Caroline Dhavernas, Gilbert Sicotte, Roy Dupuis, Macha Limonchik, Luc Picard
Synopsis of Cap Tourmente (1993)
Alex has a deeply troubled mind. He also has a seriously dysfunctional - not to say incestuous - family. Why then, has he returned from his merchant seaman job to the rocky coasts of his home? Perhaps he couldn't cut manage to march in his father's footsteps in that job. His mother doesn't seem to mind, and lets him stay at her bed and breakfast hotel. His sister still seems to have the hots for him, just as she does for his (and her) old boyfriend Jean-Louis, who has just shown up. Even his mother seems to find him sexy. All these people appear eager to get their hands on his body, but he's too wrapped up in what's going on inside his head to notice.
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Well, Cap Tourmente (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Cap Tourmente (1993) itselft directed by Michel Langlois, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Starring by Andrée Lachapelle, Michèle Deslauriers, Gabriel Gascon, Élise Guilbault, André Brassard, Caroline Dhavernas, Gilbert Sicotte, Roy Dupuis, Macha Limonchik, Luc Picard which made Cap Tourmente (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Cap Tourmente Movie Ending Scene - This is a literary genre sharing the setting with crime fiction (especially detective stories). Though deriving from the romantic tradition, which emphasized the emotions of apprehension, horror and terror, and awe, hardboiled fiction deviates from the tradition in the detectives cynical attitude towards those emotions. The attitude is conveyed through the detectives self-talk describing to the reader (or – in the film – to the viewer) what he is doing and feeling.
◈ Cap Tourmente HD Movie Hub - A blend of heroic fantasy, adventure, and frequent elements of the horrific in which a mighty barbaric warrior hero is pitted against both human and supernatural adversaries. Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Cimmerian, Kull of Atlantis, the Pictish king Bran Mak Morn, etc. is generally acknowledged as the founder of the genre, chiefly through his writings for Weird Tales and other 1993 and 1993 pulp magazines.
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◈ Cap Tourmente Full Movie English Full Screen - A crime story is about a crime that is being committed or was committed. It can also be an account of a criminals life. It often falls into the action or adventure genres.
◈ Cap Tourmente 1993 Download - historical romances like those of Walter Scott would use the term to mean "a fictitious narrative in prose or verse; the interest of which turns upon marvellous and uncommon incidents". But most often a romance is understood to be "love stories", emotion-driven stories that are primarily focused on the relationship between the main characters of the story. Beyond the focus on the relationship, the biggest defining characteristic of the romance genre is that a happy ending is always guaranteed... perhaps marriage and living "happily ever after", or simply that the reader sees hope for the future of the romantic relationship. Due to the wide definition of romance, romance stories cover a wide variety of subjects and often fall into other genre categories as well as romance,such as Comedy-Romance (also known as romcom films), romantic suspense and (less common now): subcategories such as hospital romances, as found in the novels by Lucilla Andrews. See Mills & Boon imprint categories and Harlequin romances categories for a partial list of other sub-genres.
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