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My Darling Slave (1973)

Movies Detail of My Darling Slave (1973)

✓ Title : My Darling Slave
✓ Original Title : La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 1973
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Giorgio Capitani
✓ Writers : Sandro Continenza, Raimondo Vianello, Giulio Scarnicci
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Gordon Mitchell, Adriana Asti, Veronica Merin, Catherine Spaak, Lando Buzzanca, Gianni Bonagura

Synopsis of My Darling Slave (1973)

Demetrio Cultrera, is a young rich car dealership Sicilian bachelor who becomes engaged to the beautiful and rich Rosalba Giordano. After their wedding, Rosalba's attitude changes when she decides to try turning Demetrio into the modern husband she'd like. This causes a problem, as Demetrius prefers sticking to what he sees as more traditional gender roles. Despite her attempts, Rosalba's persistent attempts to convert him to the rituals of high society, enlightened, or feminine tastes do little more than annoy him. Strongly determined to build a stable relationship with a woman who can fulfill his visions of peaceful married life, he leaves for the Amazon, where he is offered the opportunity to choose and buy a new wife as a slave. The choice falls on the beautiful and docile Manua that he trains to act the way he'd like, then proudly shows to friends and to his former wife, attracting curiosity, envy, and his ex-wife's resentment.

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Well, My Darling Slave (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The My Darling Slave (1973) itselft directed by Giorgio Capitani and Starring by Gordon Mitchell, Adriana Asti, Veronica Merin, Catherine Spaak, Lando Buzzanca, Gianni Bonagura which made My Darling Slave (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

My Darling Slave (1973)

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