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The Charlots Return (1992)

Movies Detail of The Charlots Return (1992)

✓ Title : The Charlots Return
✓ Original Title : Le retour des charlots
✓ Release Date : June 17th, 1992
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Jean Sarrus
✓ Writer : Jean Sarrus
✓ Companies : Les Films Christian Ardan, TF1 Films Production, Les Productions Belles Rives, PROCIREP
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Gustave Parking, Gérard Filipelli, Ana Padrão, Jango Edwards, Luis Rego, Canto e Castro, Jean Sarrus, Guy Montagné, Richard Bonnot

Synopsis of The Charlots Return (1992)

Antonio returned to Portugal ten years ago with his lovely (and quite thin) French wife. She has since become quite a hefty specimen of womanhood, and his eye has lately been wandering to others. When his strong-tempered wife catches him with another woman (their neighbor), she bonks him on the head. In order to avoid further embarrassment, he pretends this has induced amnesia. He does so well in his pretense that his worried wife calls his old Parisian buddies (the rest of the Charlots) and asks them to come and help revive his memory.

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Well, The Charlots Return (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Charlots Return (1992) itselft directed by Jean Sarrus and Starring by Gustave Parking, Gérard Filipelli, Ana Padrão, Jango Edwards, Luis Rego, Canto e Castro, Jean Sarrus, Guy Montagné, Richard Bonnot which made The Charlots Return (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Charlots Return (1992)

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