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No One Writes to the Colonel (1999)

Movies Detail of No One Writes to the Colonel (1999)

✓ Title : No One Writes to the Colonel
✓ Original Title : El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
✓ Release Date : June 2nd, 1999
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 118 minutes
✓ Directors : Arturo Ripstein, Nela Fernández, Hugo Gutiérrez, Mayra Segura, Mariana Gironella
✓ Writers : Gabriel García Márquez, Paz Alicia Garciadiego
✓ Companies : Producciones Amaranta, Gardenia Producciones, Tornasol Films, DMVB Films, Fondo para la Producción Cinematográfica de Calidad, Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía, Tabasco films, Universidad Veracruzana, Ventanarosa Productions, Canal+, Lotería Nacional para la Asistencia Pública, Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, TVE, Canal+ España
✓ Countries : France, Mexico, Spain
✓ Cast : Julián Pastor, Patricia Reyes Spíndola, Salma Hayek, Rafael Inclán, Esteban Soberanes, Fernando Luján, Odiseo Bichir, Ernesto Yáñez, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Marisa Paredes

Synopsis of No One Writes to the Colonel (1999)

Every Friday, the Colonel puts on his only suit and goes to the dock to await a letter announcing the arrival of his pension. But the townsfolk all know that this pension will never come. His wife also knows it, and even he knows it. But he is still waiting, living with the pain of the death of his son.

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Well, No One Writes to the Colonel (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The No One Writes to the Colonel (1999) itselft directed by Arturo Ripstein, Nela Fernández, Hugo Gutiérrez, Mayra Segura, Mariana Gironella and Starring by Julián Pastor, Patricia Reyes Spíndola, Salma Hayek, Rafael Inclán, Esteban Soberanes, Fernando Luján, Odiseo Bichir, Ernesto Yáñez, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Marisa Paredes which made No One Writes to the Colonel (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

No One Writes to the Colonel (1999)

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