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Astroesque (1999)

Movies Detail of Astroesque (1999)

✓ Title : Astroesque
✓ Release Date : April 6th, 1999
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Mike Allred
✓ Writer : Mike Allred
✓ Company : Snap City productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Kay Koffler, Matthew Clark, Matt Brundage, Mike Allred, Michael Bloomfield

Synopsis of Astroesque (1999)

Brad keeps having visions of a stranger, and possibly his own death. These visions slowly start to become true as the stranger appears to Brad, while being chased by a band of militia men who are seeking revenge after the stranger kills one of their friends in self-defense. Brad slowly starts to realize who the stranger is as they fight against the militia men. The movie is interwoven into the comic book, Red Rocket 7.

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Well, Astroesque (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Astroesque (1999) itselft directed by Mike Allred and Starring by Kay Koffler, Matthew Clark, Matt Brundage, Mike Allred, Michael Bloomfield which made Astroesque (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Astroesque (1999)

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