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The Unburied Man (2004)

Movies Detail of The Unburied Man (2004)

✓ Title : The Unburied Man
✓ Original Title : A temetetlen halott
✓ Release Date : October 21st, 2004
✓ Genres : Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 124 minutes
✓ Director : Márta Mészáros
✓ Writers : Márta Mészáros, Éva Pataki
✓ Companies : TVP, Ars Media, Cameofilm
✓ Countries : Poland, Slovakia, Hungary
✓ Cast : János Kulka, György Cserhalmi, Jan Nowicki, Lili Horvát, Marianna Moór, Pál Mácsai, Ady Hajdu, Jan Frycz

Synopsis of The Unburied Man (2004)

One of the doyennes of Hungarian film deals with a dark period of national history: the Soviet regime in Hungary. She portrays it through the fate of the former prime minister and national hero, Imre Nagy. The script is based on the diary written by Imre Nagy, and the memories of his daughter, Erzsébet Nagy, as well as authentic documents and records.

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Well, The Unburied Man (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Unburied Man (2004) itselft directed by Márta Mészáros and Starring by János Kulka, György Cserhalmi, Jan Nowicki, Lili Horvát, Marianna Moór, Pál Mácsai, Ady Hajdu, Jan Frycz which made The Unburied Man (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Unburied Man (2004)

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