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Å begrave en hund (2013)

Movies Detail of Å begrave en hund (2013)

✓ Title : Å begrave en hund
✓ Release Date : June 7th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 78 minutes
✓ Directors : Andreas Lisberg, Julian Hagemann
✓ Writers : Julian Hagemann, Torkild Jarnholt
✓ Company : Monster Scripted
✓ Country : Norway
✓ Cast : Aslak Hartberg, Kristin Jess Rodin, Sveinung Eide, Sindre Horseby, Emilie Christensen, Olav Waastad, Simen Aurstad Gjernes, Emily Ellis, Benjamin Helstad, Øivind Vogt

Synopsis of Å begrave en hund (2013)

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Well, Å begrave en hund (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Å begrave en hund (2013) itselft directed by Andreas Lisberg, Julian Hagemann and Starring by Aslak Hartberg, Kristin Jess Rodin, Sveinung Eide, Sindre Horseby, Emilie Christensen, Olav Waastad, Simen Aurstad Gjernes, Emily Ellis, Benjamin Helstad, Øivind Vogt which made Å begrave en hund (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Å begrave en hund (2013)

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