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The Mummy (1999)

Movies Detail of The Mummy (1999)

✓ Title : The Mummy
✓ Release Date : April 16th, 1999
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 124 minutes
✓ Directors : Stephen Sommers, Sylvie Chesneau, Jamie Christopher, Cliff Lanning, Greg Michael, Gary Talbot
✓ Writers : Stephen Sommers, Kevin Jarre, Lloyd Fonvielle
✓ Companies : Universal Pictures, Alphaville Films
✓ Countries : Morocco, United Kingdom, United States of America
✓ Cast : Brendan Fraser, Jonathan Hyde, John Hannah, Stephen Dunham, Oded Fehr, Erick Avari, Patricia Velásquez, Kevin J. O'Connor, Rachel Weisz, Arnold Vosloo

Synopsis of The Mummy (1999)

Dashing legionnaire Rick O'Connell stumbles upon the hidden ruins of Hamunaptra while in the midst of a battle to claim the area in 1920s Egypt. It has been over three thousand years since former High Priest Imhotep suffered a fate worse than death as a punishment for a forbidden love—along with a curse that guarantees eternal doom upon the world if he is ever awoken.

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Well, The Mummy (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Mummy (1999) itselft directed by Stephen Sommers, Sylvie Chesneau, Jamie Christopher, Cliff Lanning, Greg Michael, Gary Talbot and Starring by Brendan Fraser, Jonathan Hyde, John Hannah, Stephen Dunham, Oded Fehr, Erick Avari, Patricia Velásquez, Kevin J. O'Connor, Rachel Weisz, Arnold Vosloo which made The Mummy (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Mummy (1999)

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