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El hombre de las mariposas (2012)

Movies Detail of El hombre de las mariposas (2012)

✓ Title : El hombre de las mariposas
✓ Release Date : October 31st, 2012
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Maxi Valero
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Oleg Kricunova, Rolando Raimjanov, Ana Milán, Pep Ricart, Lluís Soler, Carlos Manuel Díaz, Sergio Caballero, Vasilio Gandyuk, Claudia Silva

Synopsis of El hombre de las mariposas (2012)

Lucio is an old Soviet general emigrated to Spain after the end of the Soviet period. Natasha is a 12 years old girl, the unknown nephew of Lucio, who is abandoned by his stepfather in the door of the house of his uncle. They don't know each other, they are both lonely people, they don't like each other... but now, the old Soviet general and the strange little girl must live together. This new situation will ask for great sacrifices to the girl and the General, they will have to look inside to find the best of themselves in the worst of their lives.

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Well, El hombre de las mariposas (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The El hombre de las mariposas (2012) itselft directed by Maxi Valero and Starring by Oleg Kricunova, Rolando Raimjanov, Ana Milán, Pep Ricart, Lluís Soler, Carlos Manuel Díaz, Sergio Caballero, Vasilio Gandyuk, Claudia Silva which made El hombre de las mariposas (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

El hombre de las mariposas (2012)

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