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City Baby (2013)

Movies Detail of City Baby (2013)

✓ Title : City Baby
✓ Release Date : March 2nd, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : David F. Morgan
✓ Writers : David F. Morgan, Cora Benesh
✓ Cast : Paul Glazier, Lauren Bair, Richard Keith, Jana Lee Hamblin, Daniel Baldwin, Jillian Leigh, John Breen, Cora Benesh

Synopsis of City Baby (2013)

Sexy. Style-conscious. Extreme love affairs. Complicated friendships. Life happens all too quickly when Cloey is reluctantly plucked from her comfort zone and complete reliance on others is overturned – a secure relationship with her boyfriend unravels, her childhood best friend is moving away and daddy’s (Daniel Baldwin) checkbook closes. City Baby comments on the ladder-climbing mentality of always reaching for the next bigger, better thing – relationship, city, job – when sometimes what's right in front of us is just fine. Scattered with cameos from Portland musicians like Stephen Malkmus of Pavement, live musical performances by Glass Candy and Starfucker, and a thoughtful soundtrack featuring all Portland bands and musicians, City Baby depicts a playground for semi-adults, revolving through the lives of cool kids.

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Well, City Baby (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The City Baby (2013) itselft directed by David F. Morgan and Starring by Paul Glazier, Lauren Bair, Richard Keith, Jana Lee Hamblin, Daniel Baldwin, Jillian Leigh, John Breen, Cora Benesh which made City Baby (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

City Baby (2013)

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