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Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011)

Movies Detail of Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011)

✓ Title : Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe
✓ Release Date : June 10th, 2011
✓ Genres : Comedy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 45 minutes
✓ Director : Paulo Biscaia Filho
✓ Writer : Paulo Biscaia Filho
✓ Company : Vigor Mortis
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Andrew Knoll, Rafaella Marques, Carolina Fauquemont, Michelle Pucci, Sheylli Caleffi, Wagner Corrêa, Luiz Bertazzo

Synopsis of Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011)

A collection of three short stories and one poem by Edgar Allan Poe adapted for the screen. Berenice, Morella, The Raven and Ligea like never before seen on film. The movies explore the sensuality, the opium driven dreams and the horror which are the essence of Poe's works. A visually stunning work by the same makers of horror-indie-hit 'Morgue Story'.

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Well, Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011) itselft directed by Paulo Biscaia Filho and Starring by Andrew Knoll, Rafaella Marques, Carolina Fauquemont, Michelle Pucci, Sheylli Caleffi, Wagner Corrêa, Luiz Bertazzo which made Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nevermore - Três Pesadelos e Um Delírio de Edgar Allan Poe (2011)

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