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Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999)

Movies Detail of Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999)

✓ Title : Bobby G. Can't Swim
✓ Release Date : March 6th, 1999
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Directors : Sally Rowe, John-Luke Montias
✓ Writer : John-Luke Montias
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Paul Maged, Susan Mitchell, Andrew Rein, Donna Sonkin, Vincent Vega, John-Luke Montias, Michael Gnat, Gilbert Glenn Brown, Gene Ruffini, Norman Middleton

Synopsis of Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999)

Bobby G. lives life on the edge in this real, raw New York street drama. Bobby is a small-time coke dealer, always on the hustle but rarely successful. He lives in Hell's Kitchen with his Puerto Rican girlfriend Lucy, who makes ends meet as a prostitute. A typical day finds Bobby selling $20 bags to neighborhood locals and passing cars. A yuppie kid looking to score a kilo of coke approaches him to broker a deal and Bobby sees the opportunity of a lifetime to make some real money. His rough days may just be over. With the tidy profit he could even leave the business. Playing out of his league, Bobby arranges to get the kilo from Astro, a fearsome, high-level drug dealer. Though Lucy announces that she's decided to go back to Puerto Rico and pleads with him to make a fresh start too, Bobby is sticking to his deal and isn't going anywhere now, convinced he'll be 'livin' large in a matter a' days...

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Well, Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999) itselft directed by Sally Rowe, John-Luke Montias and Starring by Paul Maged, Susan Mitchell, Andrew Rein, Donna Sonkin, Vincent Vega, John-Luke Montias, Michael Gnat, Gilbert Glenn Brown, Gene Ruffini, Norman Middleton which made Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bobby G. Can't Swim (1999)

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