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Pleasantville (1998)

Movies Detail of Pleasantville (1998)

✓ Title : Pleasantville
✓ Release Date : September 17th, 1998
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 124 minutes
✓ Director : Gary Ross
✓ Writer : Gary Ross
✓ Companies : New Line Cinema, Larger Than Life Productions, Juno Pix
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Don Knotts, William H. Macy, Jane Kaczmarek, Jeff Daniels, Giuseppe Andrews, Marley Shelton, Tobey Maguire, Joan Allen, J.T. Walsh, Reese Witherspoon

Synopsis of Pleasantville (1998)

Geeky teenager David and his popular twin sister, Jennifer, get sucked into the black-and-white world of a 1950s TV sitcom called "Pleasantville," and find a world where everything is peachy keen all the time. But when Jennifer's modern attitude disrupts Pleasantville's peaceful but boring routine, she literally brings color into its life.

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Well, Pleasantville (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Pleasantville (1998) itselft directed by Gary Ross and Starring by Don Knotts, William H. Macy, Jane Kaczmarek, Jeff Daniels, Giuseppe Andrews, Marley Shelton, Tobey Maguire, Joan Allen, J.T. Walsh, Reese Witherspoon which made Pleasantville (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Pleasantville (1998)

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