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ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006)

Movies Detail of ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006)

✓ Title : ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh
✓ Release Date : May 25th, 2006
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action, Comedy, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 114 minutes
✓ Director : Joel Lamangan
✓ Writer : Dinno Erece
✓ Companies : Ignite Media, Regal Multimedia, Regal Entertainment
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Alfred Vargas, Pauleen Luna, Zsa Zsa Padilla, KitKat, BB. Gandanghari, Giselle Sanchez, Alwyn Uytingco, Chokoleit, Say Alonzo, Pops Fernandez

Synopsis of ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006)

After experiencing heartache, Adrian a.k.a. Ada - a conservative homosexual, leaves the city with his cousin Aruba. Relocating to a quaint province to start a new life and a parlor business, she meets her assistant Didi, her new secret love Dodong and a multitude of wacky characters including Dodong's brother Poldo, the peculiar couple Aling Britney and Mang Justin and her arch-rival when it comes to Dodong's affections Krystal. When a mysterious stone engraved with the words "Zaturnnah" falls from the sky one night, Ada gulps it down and he is magically transformed into Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah, a super heroine with immense strength and extraordinary beauty. In the pursuit of liberty, truth, justice and loads of excellent hair coloring, she fearlessly defends her newfound home from a giant frog, zombies running amok and from the overbearing Amazonistas from Planet X led by man-hater Queen Femina.

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Well, ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006) itselft directed by Joel Lamangan and Starring by Alfred Vargas, Pauleen Luna, Zsa Zsa Padilla, KitKat, BB. Gandanghari, Giselle Sanchez, Alwyn Uytingco, Chokoleit, Say Alonzo, Pops Fernandez which made ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

ZsaZsa Zaturnnah Ze Moveeh (2006)

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