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Above & Beyond (2001)

Movies Detail of Above & Beyond (2001)

✓ Title : Above & Beyond
✓ Release Date : May 25th, 2001
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Stuart Alexander
✓ Writer : Stuart Alexander
✓ Cast : Adam Baldwin, Michael Arata, Costas Mandylor, Alexandra Paul, Robert Costanzo

Synopsis of Above & Beyond (2001)

Cop drama meets romance: This intense thriller is about a police officer who shoots his best friend (who also wears a badge) while on the job. His buddy is permanently paralyzed, and the incident raises eyebrows around the precinct. Was it an accident, or did this detective's feelings for his pal's wife cause him to cross the line? Only true super sleuths will figure it out before the end!

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Well, Above & Beyond (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Above & Beyond (2001) itselft directed by Stuart Alexander and Starring by Adam Baldwin, Michael Arata, Costas Mandylor, Alexandra Paul, Robert Costanzo which made Above & Beyond (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Above & Beyond (2001)

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