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Hell Up In Harlem (1973)

Movies Detail of Hell Up In Harlem (1973)

✓ Title : Hell Up In Harlem
✓ Release Date : December 1st, 1973
✓ Genres : Action, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Larry Cohen
✓ Writer : Larry Cohen
✓ Company : American International Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Tony King, D'Urville Martin, Ty Randolph, Gerald Gordon, James Dixon, Julius Harris, Fred Williamson, Margaret Avery, Gloria Hendry

Synopsis of Hell Up In Harlem (1973)

Tougher than Shaft and smoother than Superfly, this high-voltage sequel to Black Caesar explodes with enough action to incinerate New York City. Packed with machine-gun mayhem and riveting adventure, Hell Up in Harlem is nothing less than a modern-day tribute to the classic 30s gangster film. Fred Williamson is Tommy Gibbs, a fearless, bulletproof tough guy who blasts his way from the gutter to become the ultimate soul brother boss. Tommy steals a ledger with the name of every crooked cop and man in the city. Enlisting the aid of his father and an army of Harlem hoods, Gibbs goes from defense to offense, launching a deadly attack on his enemies that sets off a violent chain reaction from Harlem all the way to the Caribbean, climaxing in one of the hottest turf-war shoot-outs in Hollywood history.

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Well, Hell Up In Harlem (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hell Up In Harlem (1973) itselft directed by Larry Cohen and Starring by Tony King, D'Urville Martin, Ty Randolph, Gerald Gordon, James Dixon, Julius Harris, Fred Williamson, Margaret Avery, Gloria Hendry which made Hell Up In Harlem (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hell Up In Harlem (1973)

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