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Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970)

Movies Detail of Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970)

✓ Title : Juan Pedro the Scyther
✓ Original Title : La ley de una raza
✓ Release Date : April 22nd, 1970
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Directors : José Luis Gonzalvo, Federico Canudas
✓ Writers : José Luis Gonzalvo, Miguel Rubio, Ildefonso Manuel Gil
✓ Company : Debla Producción
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Fernando Marín, Concha Bañuls, Ricardo Tundidor, Fernando Sánchez Polack, Luis Peña, María Elena Flores, La Chunga, Ángel Lombarte, María Arias, Antonio 'el Bailarín'

Synopsis of Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970)

After fulfilling his military service, Juan Pedro returns to Daroca, his small town. He meets Carmela, an attractive gypsy arrived at the town a year ago. Despite the rumors and prejudices, the couple decides to marry.

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Well, Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970) itselft directed by José Luis Gonzalvo, Federico Canudas and Starring by Fernando Marín, Concha Bañuls, Ricardo Tundidor, Fernando Sánchez Polack, Luis Peña, María Elena Flores, La Chunga, Ángel Lombarte, María Arias, Antonio 'el Bailarín' which made Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Juan Pedro the Scyther (1970)

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