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Beat the Bash (1996)

Movies Detail of Beat the Bash (1996)

✓ Title : Beat the Bash
✓ Release Date : February 14th, 1996
✓ Director : Michael Costanza
✓ Cast : Wilson Cruz, Joseph D. Reitman, Anthony Nicosia, Meredith Scott Lynn

Synopsis of Beat the Bash (1996)

Over a decade before President Obama signed the Mathew Shepard Act in 2009, 'Beat the Bash' was produced in hopes of bringing public awareness to the heinous act of gay bashing.

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Well, Beat the Bash (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Beat the Bash (1996) itselft directed by Michael Costanza and Starring by Wilson Cruz, Joseph D. Reitman, Anthony Nicosia, Meredith Scott Lynn which made Beat the Bash (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Beat the Bash (1996)

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