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The Coolangatta Gold (1984)

Movies Detail of The Coolangatta Gold (1984)

✓ Title : The Coolangatta Gold
✓ Release Date : November 22nd, 1984
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Directors : Tim Burstall, Igor Auzins, Colin Fletcher, Therese O'Leary, Deuel Droogan, Marcus Skipper, Linda Ray
✓ Companies : Michael Edgley International, Noble Entertainment Group, Hoyts Edgley
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Nick Tate, Colin Friels, Melanie Day, Paul Sterling, Josephine Smulders, Joss McWilliam, Wilbur Wilde, Grant Kenny, Robyn Nevin, Melissa Jaffer

Synopsis of The Coolangatta Gold (1984)

Steve Lucas is a nineteen year old who is filled with the burning resentment of being forced to live in his brother's shadow. His brother Adam, is burdened by his father's desire for glory, and must win The Coolangatta Gold Tri-Aquathon, It is the greatest endurance test of them all: a marathon involving a 20 kilometer beach run, 6 kilometer swim and a 17 kilometer surf ski from Surfers Paradise along the golden arc of beach to Coolangatta and back to the start. The Coolangatta Gold is a story of human endeavor and endurance against overwhelming odds.

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Well, The Coolangatta Gold (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Coolangatta Gold (1984) itselft directed by Tim Burstall, Igor Auzins, Colin Fletcher, Therese O'Leary, Deuel Droogan, Marcus Skipper, Linda Ray and Starring by Nick Tate, Colin Friels, Melanie Day, Paul Sterling, Josephine Smulders, Joss McWilliam, Wilbur Wilde, Grant Kenny, Robyn Nevin, Melissa Jaffer which made The Coolangatta Gold (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Coolangatta Gold (1984)

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