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My Father's Memory (2017)

Movies Detail of My Father's Memory (2017)

✓ Title : My Father's Memory
✓ Original Title : La memoria de mi padre
✓ Release Date : May 23rd, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Directors : María José De la Vega, Rodrigo Bacigalupe, Constanza Luzoro
✓ Writers : Jorge Goldenberg, Rodrigo Bacigalupe, Romina Mena, Javier Miñon
✓ Countries : Chile, Spain
✓ Cast : Vicente Iribarren, Marcial Tagle, María Izquierdo, Luz Jiménez, Tamara Tello, Romina Mena, Mireya Sotoconil, Mariangel Montenegro, Jaime McManus, Tomás Vidiella

Synopsis of My Father's Memory (2017)

After the death of his mother, a repressed tv writer is forced to take care of his father who is loosing his memory, obsessed with his wife is still alive and lost.

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Well, My Father's Memory (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The My Father's Memory (2017) itselft directed by María José De la Vega, Rodrigo Bacigalupe, Constanza Luzoro and Starring by Vicente Iribarren, Marcial Tagle, María Izquierdo, Luz Jiménez, Tamara Tello, Romina Mena, Mireya Sotoconil, Mariangel Montenegro, Jaime McManus, Tomás Vidiella which made My Father's Memory (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

My Father's Memory (2017)

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