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Dirty Laundry (1987)

Movies Detail of Dirty Laundry (1987)

✓ Title : Dirty Laundry
✓ Release Date : October 1st, 1987
✓ Genres : Comedy, Action
✓ Runtime : 79 minutes
✓ Director : William Webb
✓ Writers : William Webb, Brad Munson
✓ Companies : D.L. Partners, DeYoung Company, Westwind/480
✓ Cast : Nicholas Worth, Herta Ware, Hope North, Jeanne O'Brien-Ebiri, Leigh McCloskey, Frankie Valli, Sonny Bono, Robbie Rist, Greg Louganis, Jill Terashita

Synopsis of Dirty Laundry (1987)

A young man and his girlfriend unwittingly come into possession of a bag containing one million dollars belonging to a drug-smuggling ring. The mobsters try to catch the couple and retrieve their money.

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Well, Dirty Laundry (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dirty Laundry (1987) itselft directed by William Webb and Starring by Nicholas Worth, Herta Ware, Hope North, Jeanne O'Brien-Ebiri, Leigh McCloskey, Frankie Valli, Sonny Bono, Robbie Rist, Greg Louganis, Jill Terashita which made Dirty Laundry (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dirty Laundry (1987)

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