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Medea (2017)

Movies Detail of Medea (2017)

✓ Title : Medea
✓ Release Date : April 24th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 70 minutes
✓ Director : Alexandra Latishev
✓ Writer : Alexandra Latishev
✓ Companies : Temporal Films, La Linterna Films, Grita Medios
✓ Countries : Chile, Costa Rica
✓ Cast : Liliana Biamonte, Milena Picado, Marianella Protti, Olger Ignacio Gonzalez Espinosa, Javier Montenegro, Eric Calderón, Daniel Ross Mix, Arnoldo Ramos, Federico Montero

Synopsis of Medea (2017)

María José is 25. Her life moves back and forth between the monotony of class at the university, her eternally distant parents, and a couple of alternative spaces where she can explore her own and others’ limits. One day, she meets Javier, a boy she really likes and tries to have a relationship with, but her behaviour starts changing radically. In fact, she’s a few months into her pregnancy and no one knows.

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Well, Medea (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Medea (2017) itselft directed by Alexandra Latishev and Starring by Liliana Biamonte, Milena Picado, Marianella Protti, Olger Ignacio Gonzalez Espinosa, Javier Montenegro, Eric Calderón, Daniel Ross Mix, Arnoldo Ramos, Federico Montero which made Medea (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Medea (2017)

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