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Voodoo Dawn (2000)

Movies Detail of Voodoo Dawn (2000)

✓ Title : Voodoo Dawn
✓ Release Date : March 28th, 2000
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Andrzej Sekula
✓ Writers : Johnny McMahon, Johnny McMahon, David Baer, David Baer
✓ Companies : Cutting Edge Entertainment, Bridge Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Robert Knott, Rosanna Arquette, Roy Ageloff, Balthazar Getty, James Russo, Phillip Glasser, Michael Madsen, Stuart Stone, Jack Radosta

Synopsis of Voodoo Dawn (2000)

In the eerie backdrop of the Lousiana bayou, former inmate Frank sees the opportunity of a lifetime in the form of cursed cash. But this cash has a price of its own. Avenging the death of his brother at the hands of police officer Sam Merchant, Frank, with Jezabelle, form a sadistic plan of vengeance mixing violent rituals and voodoo curses. But Merchant's son A.J. escapes almost certain death. Now, in order to save his family and himself, A.J. is pitted into a deadly standoff with ancient evil. Delve into the underworld of voodoo magic and the occult and pray for your soul.

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Well, Voodoo Dawn (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Voodoo Dawn (2000) itselft directed by Andrzej Sekula and Starring by Robert Knott, Rosanna Arquette, Roy Ageloff, Balthazar Getty, James Russo, Phillip Glasser, Michael Madsen, Stuart Stone, Jack Radosta which made Voodoo Dawn (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Voodoo Dawn (2000)

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