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Astro Boy (2009)

Movies Detail of Astro Boy (2009)

✓ Title : Astro Boy
✓ Release Date : October 15th, 2009
✓ Genres : Animation, Action, Family, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Directors : David Bowers, Pablo Calvillo, Earl A. Hibbert
✓ Writers : Timothy Harris, Osamu Tezuka
✓ Companies : Summit Entertainment, Imagi Animation Studios, Tezuka Productions
✓ Countries : Hong Kong, Japan, United States of America
✓ Cast : Kristen Bell, Nathan Lane, Eugene Levy, Sterling Beaumon, Freddie Highmore, Samuel L. Jackson, Donald Sutherland, Madeline Carroll, Bill Nighy, Nicolas Cage

Synopsis of Astro Boy (2009)

Set in the futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy (Atom) is a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist in the image of the son he had lost. Unable to fulfill his creator's expectations, Astro embarks on a journey in search of acceptance, experiencing betrayal and a netherworld of robot gladiators, before returning to save Metro City and reconcile with the father who rejected him.

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Well, Astro Boy (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Astro Boy (2009) itselft directed by David Bowers, Pablo Calvillo, Earl A. Hibbert and Starring by Kristen Bell, Nathan Lane, Eugene Levy, Sterling Beaumon, Freddie Highmore, Samuel L. Jackson, Donald Sutherland, Madeline Carroll, Bill Nighy, Nicolas Cage which made Astro Boy (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Astro Boy (2009)

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