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Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017)

Movies Detail of Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017)

✓ Title : Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings
✓ Original Title : Drôles de petites bêtes
✓ Release Date : December 13th, 2017
✓ Genres : Animation, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Directors : Antoon Krings, Arnaud Bouron
✓ Writers : Christel Gonnard, Arnaud Delalande, Antoon Krings
✓ Companies : Bidibul Productions, France 3 Cinéma
✓ Countries : France, Luxembourg
✓ Cast : Emmanuel Curtil, Anne Tilloy, Jérémie Covillault, Céline Melloul, Virginie Efira, Jeanfi Janssens, Kev Adams, Didier Gustin, Vincent Ropion, Marie-Charlotte Leclaire

Synopsis of Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017)

When Apollo, a kind-hearted travelling performer, lands in the village of the Funny Little Bugs, it’s not too long before he upsets the life of the kingdom. As Apollo falls into a trap set by Wendy, the jealous and treacherous cousin of the queen, he is framed for kidnapping Queen Marguerite, causing panic in the hive! In reality, Marguerite is held by the Vermin, Wendy’s accomplices, while she takes over the throne. With the help of his new friends, Apollo embarks on a perilous rescue mission. To free the Queen and save the hive, the Little Bugs will bravely face many dangers and be more imaginative than ever!

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Well, Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017) itselft directed by Antoon Krings, Arnaud Bouron and Starring by Emmanuel Curtil, Anne Tilloy, Jérémie Covillault, Céline Melloul, Virginie Efira, Jeanfi Janssens, Kev Adams, Didier Gustin, Vincent Ropion, Marie-Charlotte Leclaire which made Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings (2017)

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