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O Guarani (1996)

Movies Detail of O Guarani (1996)

✓ Title : O Guarani
✓ Release Date : May 31st, 1996
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Norma Bengell
✓ Writers : José de Alencar, José Joffily Filho
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Tamur Aimara, Cláudio Mamberti, Herson Capri, Glória Pires, Imara Reis, José de Abreu, Tatiana Issa, Marco Ricca, Tonico Pereira, Márcio Garcia

Synopsis of O Guarani (1996)

The forbidden love affair between Peri, an Indian, and the beautiful Ceci, a Portuguese white girl, in the 17th century Brazil.

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Well, O Guarani (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The O Guarani (1996) itselft directed by Norma Bengell and Starring by Tamur Aimara, Cláudio Mamberti, Herson Capri, Glória Pires, Imara Reis, José de Abreu, Tatiana Issa, Marco Ricca, Tonico Pereira, Márcio Garcia which made O Guarani (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

O Guarani (1996)

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