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20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006)

Movies Detail of 20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006)

✓ Title : 20 Nights and a Rainy Day
✓ Original Title : 20 nuits et un jour de pluie
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 2006
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Lam Lê
✓ Writers : Lâm Lê, Elizabeth D. Inandiak
✓ Companies : Soficinéma, L'Autre Rivage, Integral Film, Promotion Production Pictures (PPP), Mentor Cinema, Nusa Pilar, CinéCinéma
✓ Countries : Germany, France
✓ Cast : Santha Leng, Natalia Wörner, Santha Leng, Eric Nguyen, Eric Nguyen, Santha Leng

Synopsis of 20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006)

She was fleeing the West, and he the East. She was European, light-skinned, on her way back from Java, at the edge of the world. Once North-Vietnamese, now a proud Frenchman, he had an apartment in the center of Paris. This film tells the story of their embrace, 20 nights under the Parisian sky, in the shadow of Notre Dame. During these 20 nights they find refuge in each other's bodies.

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Well, 20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006) itselft directed by Lam Lê and Starring by Santha Leng, Natalia Wörner, Santha Leng, Eric Nguyen, Eric Nguyen, Santha Leng which made 20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

20 Nights and a Rainy Day (2006)

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