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Lena (2001)

Movies Detail of Lena (2001)

✓ Title : Lena
✓ Release Date : May 11th, 2001
✓ Genres : Drama, Adventure
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Gonzalo Tapia
✓ Writers : Antonio Trashorras, Gonzalo Tapia, David Muñoz
✓ Countries : Portugal, Spain
✓ Cast : Luis Tosar, Antón Reixa, Marta Larralde, Iván Hermés, Roberto Álvarez, Vítor Norte, Nuria Sanz, Carlos Kaniowsky, Luis Zahera, Manuel Manquiña

Synopsis of Lena (2001)

Set in Galicia in northwest Spain - an area famed for its beauty and smuggling - this film shows a once-thriving fishing and shipbuilding culture fallen on hard times. Feisty, street smart Lena, 18, lives in semi-penury with her hard-drinking slob of a father, Gorrión, and hopes to escape by getting a grant to study in Portugal. Gorrion is mixed up with local drug-smuggling mafiosi, that includes Lena's godfather, Gitano, their Portugese Cachero, and the strong, silent Milio. One day, Lena returns from her job to find Gorrion badly beaten up: The gang had accused him of stealing. Lena visits the gangsters and offers to help pay off her father's debt by working for them. After Gorrion forgets to deliver Lena's grant papers, a fragile emotional bond develops between Lena and Milio. When they set off to Portugal to do a job, events start to ramble.

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Well, Lena (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lena (2001) itselft directed by Gonzalo Tapia and Starring by Luis Tosar, Antón Reixa, Marta Larralde, Iván Hermés, Roberto Álvarez, Vítor Norte, Nuria Sanz, Carlos Kaniowsky, Luis Zahera, Manuel Manquiña which made Lena (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lena (2001)

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