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Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017)

Movies Detail of Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017)

✓ Title : Boys on Film 16: Possession
✓ Release Date : May 21st, 2017
✓ Runtime : 123 minutes
✓ Directors : Kai Stänicke, Anthony Schatteman, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Blake Mawson, Jake Graf, Björn Elgerd, Christopher Manning, Charlie Francis, Oliver Mason
✓ Company : Pecadillo Pictures
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017)

As a brooding teenager, BOYS ON FILM is celebrating it’s (not so) sweet sixteen with an astonishing selection of the latest international gay short films. Featuring golden boys, teenage lust, self-conscious dolls, chance encounters and a vengeful creature, alongside a holiday romance and a young man’s attempt to conceal his sexuality from his mum, BOYS ON FILM 16 is our most possessive collection yet. Includes: Away with Me (2015); B. (2015); Chance (2015); Follow Me [Volg mij] (2015); Golden (2016); Jamie (2016); PYOTR495 (2016); Sign (2016); We Could Be Parents [Vi skulle bli bra föräldrar] (2016); When a Man Loves a Woman (2016).

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Well, Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017) itselft directed by Kai Stänicke, Anthony Schatteman, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Blake Mawson, Jake Graf, Björn Elgerd, Christopher Manning, Charlie Francis, Oliver Mason and Starring by which made Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Boys on Film 16: Possession (2017)

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