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Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987)

Movies Detail of Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987)

✓ Title : Mon bel amour, ma déchirure
✓ Release Date : June 16th, 1987
✓ Director : José Pinheiro
✓ Writers : José Pinheiro, Louis Calaferte
✓ Cast : Véra Gregh, Jacky Sigaux, Catherine Wilkening, Philippe Manesse, Véronique Barrault, Mouss Diouf, Jacques Castaldo, Stéphane Ferrara

Synopsis of Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987)

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Well, Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987) itselft directed by José Pinheiro and Starring by Véra Gregh, Jacky Sigaux, Catherine Wilkening, Philippe Manesse, Véronique Barrault, Mouss Diouf, Jacques Castaldo, Stéphane Ferrara which made Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mon bel amour, ma déchirure (1987)

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