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The Children's Republic (2012)

Movies Detail of The Children's Republic (2012)

✓ Title : The Children's Republic
✓ Original Title : A República di Mininus
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 2012
✓ Genres : Drama, Fantasy, War
✓ Runtime : 78 minutes
✓ Directors : Flora Gomes, Ana Patricia Silva, Dino Estrelinha, Ângela Sequeira, Inadelso Cossa, Boaventura Mausse
✓ Writers : Flora Gomes, Franck Moisnard
✓ Companies : Filmes do Tejo II, Les Films de l'Après-Midi, Neue Mediopolis Filmproduktion, RTP, Saga Film, Telecine Bissau Produções
✓ Countries : Belgium, France, Germany, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal
✓ Cast : Bruno Mauro Armindo Nhavene, Danny Glover, Melanie de Vales Rafael, Maurice Ngwakum, Stephen Carew, Hedviges Mamudo, Verónica Nneamaka Nwokocha, Joyce Simbine Saiete, Anaïs Adrianopoulos, Esther Ugochinvere Nwokocha

Synopsis of The Children's Republic (2012)

In a war-torn African country, a small group of young people, led by Mão-de-Ferro, a traumatized and violent war child, arrive in a mysterious city where children, abandoned by adults, have created their own utopian republic.

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Well, The Children's Republic (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Children's Republic (2012) itselft directed by Flora Gomes, Ana Patricia Silva, Dino Estrelinha, Ângela Sequeira, Inadelso Cossa, Boaventura Mausse and Starring by Bruno Mauro Armindo Nhavene, Danny Glover, Melanie de Vales Rafael, Maurice Ngwakum, Stephen Carew, Hedviges Mamudo, Verónica Nneamaka Nwokocha, Joyce Simbine Saiete, Anaïs Adrianopoulos, Esther Ugochinvere Nwokocha which made The Children's Republic (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Children's Republic (2012)

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