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The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

Movies Detail of The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

✓ Title : The Witch Who Came from the Sea
✓ Release Date : February 6th, 1976
✓ Genres : Drama, Horror
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Matt Cimber
✓ Writer : Robert Thom
✓ Company : MCI
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Stafford Morgan, Lonny Chapman, Vanessa Brown, George Buck Flower, Jean Pierre Camps, Rick Jason, Richard Kennedy, Peggy Feury, Millie Perkins, Mark Livingston

Synopsis of The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

Anger stemming from being abused as a child drives an alcoholic's daughter to kill as an adult.

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Well, The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) itselft directed by Matt Cimber and Starring by Stafford Morgan, Lonny Chapman, Vanessa Brown, George Buck Flower, Jean Pierre Camps, Rick Jason, Richard Kennedy, Peggy Feury, Millie Perkins, Mark Livingston which made The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

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