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Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003)

Movies Detail of Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003)

✓ Title : Diary of a Provincial Girl
✓ Original Title : Vida de Menina
✓ Release Date : June 7th, 2003
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 101 minutes
✓ Director : Helena Solberg
✓ Writers : Elena Soarez, Helena Solberg, Helena Morley
✓ Companies : Radiante Filmes, Raccord Produções
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Lígia Cortez, Benjamim Abras, Dalton Vigh, Ludmila Dayer, Lolô Souza Pinto, Daniela Escobar, Maria Sá, Camilo Bevilacqua

Synopsis of Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003)

The day-to-day life of a young girl in the town of Diamantina, Brazil, on the end of 19th Century, based on real life diaries.

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Well, Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003) itselft directed by Helena Solberg and Starring by Lígia Cortez, Benjamim Abras, Dalton Vigh, Ludmila Dayer, Lolô Souza Pinto, Daniela Escobar, Maria Sá, Camilo Bevilacqua which made Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Diary of a Provincial Girl (2003)

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