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Under the Rainbow (1981)

Movies Detail of Under the Rainbow (1981)

✓ Title : Under the Rainbow
✓ Release Date : July 31st, 1981
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Steve Rash
✓ Companies : Orion Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Adam Arkin, Mako, Robert Donner, Cork Hubbert, Billy Barty, Pat McCormick, Eve Arden, Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher, Joseph Maher

Synopsis of Under the Rainbow (1981)

In World War II era Los Angeles, the manager of the Culver Hotel leaves his nephew in charge for a weekend. The nephew changes the name to the Hotel Rainbow and overbooks with royalty, assassins, secret agents, Japanese tourists, and munchkins. Secret Service agent Bruce Thorpe and casting director Annie Clark find romance amidst the intrigue and confusion.

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Well, Under the Rainbow (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Under the Rainbow (1981) itselft directed by Steve Rash and Starring by Adam Arkin, Mako, Robert Donner, Cork Hubbert, Billy Barty, Pat McCormick, Eve Arden, Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher, Joseph Maher which made Under the Rainbow (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Under the Rainbow (1981)

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