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The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019)

Movies Detail of The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019)

✓ Title : The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift
✓ Original Title : Skammerens Datter II: Slangens Gave
✓ Release Date : January 24th, 2019
✓ Genres : Adventure, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Ask Hasselbalch
✓ Writers : Philip LaZebnik, Søren Frellesen, Gunnar Järvstad, Lene Kaaberbøl, Astrid Øye
✓ Companies : Nepenthe Film, Storm Films, Sirena Film
✓ Countries : Denmark, Czech Republic
✓ Cast : Rebecca Emilie Sattrup, Mikkel Arendt, Søren Malling, Jakob Oftebro, Allan Hyde, Dejan Čukić, Stina Ekblad, Nicolas Bro, Agnes Kittelsen, Petra Maria Scott

Synopsis of The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019)

The Shamer's Daughter, Dina, with the magical power of compelling people to admit their most secret shame, must save her family with her newly found father. But he is a Blackmaster, with the power to make people see and believe things that aren't true, so Dina must deal with having inherited this horrible power, while forging a relationship with a father she fears and mistrusts.

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Well, The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019) itselft directed by Ask Hasselbalch and Starring by Rebecca Emilie Sattrup, Mikkel Arendt, Søren Malling, Jakob Oftebro, Allan Hyde, Dejan Čukić, Stina Ekblad, Nicolas Bro, Agnes Kittelsen, Petra Maria Scott which made The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Shamer's Daughter II: The Serpent Gift (2019)

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