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Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009)

Movies Detail of Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009)

✓ Title : Boys On Film 3: American Boy
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2009
✓ Genres : Romance, Horror, Drama
✓ Runtime : 135 minutes
✓ Directors : Carter Smith, Adam Salky, Jody Wheeler, Kyle Thomas Coker, Brian Krinsky, Julian Breece, Dennis Shinners
✓ Writers : Carter Smith, David Brind, Jody Wheeler, Kyle Thomas Coker, Brian Krinsky, Julian Breece, Dennis Shinners
✓ Company : Peccadillo Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Matt Schuneman, Brent Corrigan, Vaughn Lowery, Michael Cassidy, J.T. Tepnapa, Diana Elizabeth Jordan, Antony Raymond, Adam Fleming, Reggie Watkins, Marla Burkholder

Synopsis of Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009)

Created by gay directors and actors, Boys On Film features numerous award-winning shorts that deal with all aspects of gay life. Volume 3: American Boy contains seven complete films: Adam Salky's "Dare" starring Adam Fleming, Michael Cassidy, and Marla Burkholder; Jody Wheeler's "In The Closet" starring J.T. Tepnapa and Brent Corrigan; Dennis Shinners's "Area X" starring Matt Schuneman and Antony Raymond; Julian Breece's "The Young & Evil" starring Vaughn Lowery, Diana Elizabeth Jordan, and Reggie Watkins; Brian Krinsky's "Dish :)" starring Matthew Monge, Jeff Martin, and Octavio Altamirano; Carter Smith's "Bugcrush" starring Josh Caras and Donald Cumming; and Kyle Thomas Coker's "Astoria, Queens" starring Aaron Michael Davies, James Heffron, Sangeeta Parekh, and Hayley Thompson-King.

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Well, Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009) itselft directed by Carter Smith, Adam Salky, Jody Wheeler, Kyle Thomas Coker, Brian Krinsky, Julian Breece, Dennis Shinners and Starring by Matt Schuneman, Brent Corrigan, Vaughn Lowery, Michael Cassidy, J.T. Tepnapa, Diana Elizabeth Jordan, Antony Raymond, Adam Fleming, Reggie Watkins, Marla Burkholder which made Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Boys On Film 3: American Boy (2009)

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