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A Single Girl (1995)

Movies Detail of A Single Girl (1995)

✓ Title : A Single Girl
✓ Original Title : La fille seule
✓ Release Date : May 29th, 1995
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Benoît Jacquot
✓ Writers : Jérôme Beaujour, Benoît Jacquot
✓ Company : Cinéa
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Virginie Ledoyen, Michel Bompoil, Benoît Magimel, Dominique Valadié

Synopsis of A Single Girl (1995)

A young Parisian must make major decisions about pregnancy, a job and her boyfriend.

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Well, A Single Girl (1995) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Single Girl (1995) itselft directed by Benoît Jacquot and Starring by Virginie Ledoyen, Michel Bompoil, Benoît Magimel, Dominique Valadié which made A Single Girl (1995) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Single Girl (1995)

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