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Snoopy, Come Home (1972)

Movies Detail of Snoopy, Come Home (1972)

✓ Title : Snoopy, Come Home
✓ Release Date : September 8th, 1972
✓ Genres : Family, Animation
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Bill Melendez
✓ Writers : Charles M. Schulz, Charles M. Schulz
✓ Company : Cinema Center Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Bill Melendez, Chad Webber, Lynda Mendelson, David Carey, Linda Ercoli, Hilary Momberger-Powers, Johanna Baer, Robin Kohn, Christopher DeFaria, Stephen Shea

Synopsis of Snoopy, Come Home (1972)

When Snoopy receives a letter from his original owner Lila, he goes to visit her in the hospital while Charlie Brown and the gang are on the lookout for him. Suddenly, Snoopy feels that he must go live with Lila, but must say goodbye to all his friends. In his adventure to the hospital, he encounters numerous "No Dogs Allowed" signs, an annoying little girl who desires to keep him, and more!

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Well, Snoopy, Come Home (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Snoopy, Come Home (1972) itselft directed by Bill Melendez and Starring by Bill Melendez, Chad Webber, Lynda Mendelson, David Carey, Linda Ercoli, Hilary Momberger-Powers, Johanna Baer, Robin Kohn, Christopher DeFaria, Stephen Shea which made Snoopy, Come Home (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Snoopy, Come Home (1972)

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