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Hardcase and Fist (1989)

Movies Detail of Hardcase and Fist (1989)

✓ Title : Hardcase and Fist
✓ Release Date : August 9th, 1989
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Tony Zarindast
✓ Writer : Tony Zarindast
✓ Companies : Forum Home Video, Overseas FilmGroup, Image Entertainment
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Victor von Wright, Carter Wong, Beano, Christine Lunde, Debra Lamb, Tony Zarindast, Vincent Barbi, Maureen LaVette, Ted Prior, Tony Bova

Synopsis of Hardcase and Fist (1989)

When Bud McCall is framed for a drugs charge he ends up in prison and he must prove his innocence by testifying against his former police partner to put him and his gang behind bars for good.

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Well, Hardcase and Fist (1989) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hardcase and Fist (1989) itselft directed by Tony Zarindast and Starring by Victor von Wright, Carter Wong, Beano, Christine Lunde, Debra Lamb, Tony Zarindast, Vincent Barbi, Maureen LaVette, Ted Prior, Tony Bova which made Hardcase and Fist (1989) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hardcase and Fist (1989)

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Watch Hardcase and Fist Movie Reddit - A mystery story follows an investigator as they attempt to solve a puzzle (often a crime). The details and clues are presented as the story continues and the protagonist discovers them and by the end of the story the mystery/puzzle is solved. For example, in the case of a crime mystery the perpetrator and motive behind the crime are revealed and the perpetrator is brought to justice. Mystery novels are often written in series, which facilitates a more in-depth development of the primary investigator. Specific types of mystery story include locked room mysteries and cozy mysteries.

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