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Boys vs. Girls (2019)

Movies Detail of Boys vs. Girls (2019)

✓ Title : Boys vs. Girls
✓ Release Date : October 25th, 2019
✓ Director : Michael Stasko
✓ Writer : Michael Stasko
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Shaun Benson, Eric Osborne, Michala Brasseur, Nia Roam, Colin Mochrie, Kevin McDonald, Samantha Helt

Synopsis of Boys vs. Girls (2019)

Written and directed by Windsor’s own Mike Stasko, Boys vs. Girls is loosely based on his experiences at a summer camp during the 90s. When camps around the country were shutting down every year and Camp Kitchikewana made the economically necessary move to turn co-ed, the result was a very real clash of the sexes. In the summer of 1990, the film sees Camp Kindlewood forced to go co-ed for the first time in its seventy-year existence. Camp Director Roger (Colin Mochrie) tries to keep the camp off the corporate chopping block, but after an awkward encounter between head counsellors Dale (Eric Osborne) and Amber (Rachel Dagenais), all bets are off. Rallying their sides in an attempt to win back their camp and gain dominance over what they feel is rightfully theirs, this battle of the sexes sets off a series of pranks, fueled by camp caretaker Coffee (Kevin McDonald), as the boys and girls fight for their summertime home.

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Well, Boys vs. Girls (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Boys vs. Girls (2019) itselft directed by Michael Stasko and Starring by Shaun Benson, Eric Osborne, Michala Brasseur, Nia Roam, Colin Mochrie, Kevin McDonald, Samantha Helt which made Boys vs. Girls (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Boys vs. Girls (2019)

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