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Camp New: Humble Pie (2017)

Movies Detail of Camp New: Humble Pie (2017)

✓ Title : Camp New: Humble Pie
✓ Release Date : June 6th, 2017
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Camp New: Humble Pie (2017)

Camp New: Humble Pie is an over-the-top Christian comedy for the entire family. Join the camp coordinators as they learn about walking in the fruit of the Spirit. Archer Ace is new to camp and with a lot of pride to boot. He challenges fellow coordinator, Penny, to a duel of athleticism that will prove, once and for all, who the greatest camp coordinator is. Meanwhile, Miss Mo and Penny try to keep camp running smooth when division starts sneaking in. They can't agree on the name of the fall extravaganza - or is it bonanza? Things fall further out of control when Miss Mo's pottery comes up missing and camp pranksters are on the loose. A full investigation ensues. Camp New has triumph and defeat, happy and unhappy campers (pun fully intended), and lessons of love, peace, and patience - all served up with a nice slice of "Humble Pie".

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Camp New: Humble Pie (2017)

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