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The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006)

Movies Detail of The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006)

✓ Title : The Hairy Tooth Fairy
✓ Original Title : El ratón Pérez
✓ Release Date : June 30th, 2006
✓ Genres : Family, Animation
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Juan Pablo Buscarini
✓ Writer : Enrique Cortés
✓ Companies : Castelao Productions, Filmax Animation, Patagonik Film Group
✓ Countries : Argentina, Spain
✓ Cast : Delfina Varni, Diego Gentile, Ana María Orozco, Alejandro Awada, Roly Serrano, Fabián Mazzei, Mariano Chiesa, Enrique Porcellana, Joe Rígoli, Ana María Nazar

Synopsis of The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006)

Lucía, an active little girl, looses a tooth. Santiago, her father, is an out-of-work boss, and her mother, Pilar, is a successful but overworked architect, reassure Lucía, by telling her that the Hairy Tooth Fairy (a mouse named Pérez) will come to her bedroom to collect her tooth, leaving some money in its place. A mouse who had been monitoring the situation tells another mouse, who in turn tells another mouse until finally the news reaches Pérez, The Hairy Tooth Fairy, who lives in a boat in the port along with hundreds of other mice. They receive the teeth that he collects, and then clean, shape and polish them so that they can be transformed into shiny round pearls. These pearls are then carried through the citys sewers until finally they reach the jewellers owned by Morientes, where an old friend exchanges them for their weight in gold.

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Well, The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006) itselft directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini and Starring by Delfina Varni, Diego Gentile, Ana María Orozco, Alejandro Awada, Roly Serrano, Fabián Mazzei, Mariano Chiesa, Enrique Porcellana, Joe Rígoli, Ana María Nazar which made The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Hairy Tooth Fairy (2006)

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