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Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976)

Movies Detail of Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976)

✓ Title : Emanuelle's Silver Tongue
✓ Original Title : Ecco lingua d'argento
✓ Release Date : April 30th, 1976
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Directors : Mauro Ivaldi, Anna Maria Bifarini, Daniela Rau
✓ Writers : Guido Leoni, Mauro Ivaldi
✓ Companies : Stefano Film, Summit Film
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Roberto Pace, Gianfranco D'Angelo, Ali Zaiem, Huberta Shaw, Carmen Villani, Roberto Cenci, Nadia Cassini, Enzo Andronico

Synopsis of Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976)

This movie is an Emmanuelle film in name only. Carmen Villani does get naked often, and there is this guy who looks like he was in the :Monkeys: The film begins with Billy ( Roberto Cenci ) who rushes to the airport of Tunis , for the arrival of her friend Andrea ( Carmen Villani ), returning from Paris with her ​​husband. But Billy's happiness is shattered when she learns quickly that it should host to his house, at the request of Andrea, Bobby ( Gianfranco D'Angelo ), in love with Andrea, and Dr. Censi ( Nadia Cassini ), a friend of Bobby, who tries in vain to cure him of his uncontrollable desire of women, but to no avail, even allowing himself to him, after having hypnotized. After realizing that Bobby was not the right man for her, Andrea finally falls in love Billy.

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Well, Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976) itselft directed by Mauro Ivaldi, Anna Maria Bifarini, Daniela Rau and Starring by Roberto Pace, Gianfranco D'Angelo, Ali Zaiem, Huberta Shaw, Carmen Villani, Roberto Cenci, Nadia Cassini, Enzo Andronico which made Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Emanuelle's Silver Tongue (1976)

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